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Welcome to HDD Serial Commander Wiki

HDD Serial Commander was WYSIWYG utility to control and edit firmware on Seagate, Samsung and Toshiba hard disk drives via a serial terminal (diagnostic) port.

Most of HDD Serial Commander users contributed to this project because application was a easy learning tool to access diagnostic command port.

HDD Serial Commander had 3 components. Serving as a viewer EXE is a Adobe Air (Flash). It uses SQLite open database which is fully editable. Meaning you can add/setup/delete parameters related to commands or add new commands. Database is shareable. We appreciate if you'd share it back with us. This way we can include your updates in the latest version. Connection to serial hardware is done via SerProxy [] and config file is editable.

S.E.C.T.A. (SgtF3 Error Code Translator & Analysis) is an app to translate error codes on Seagate F3 drives.

Both projects were developed under ADRECA (Advanced Data RECovery Analytics).

On January 5th, 2021 project is closed due to continuous attacks to the project website. HDD Serial Commander will no longer be available to contributors, partners and subscribers. HDDSC was downloaded 10.641 times.

We are not responsible for any version HDD Serial Commander you may find elsewhere. Officially HDD Serial Commander is not available to download anymore.

We'd like to thank you for your support over the past 5 years.


This Wiki is a knowledge base for Seagate, Western Digital, Toshiba, Samsung hard drives and other devices on which users collaboratively modify the content. Content may be modified.


Project HDD Serial Commander was supported by users and their contributions made via PayPal or using crypto currency. Contribute $10 or more to download full version.


Official website

start.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/06 07:31 by edmino5

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